Monday, May 5, 2008

The day where I lose it...

I need a break. It is another Monday. One week from last Monday which will go down in infamy (for me) as the Monday of no hot water. So today dawns the Monday OF NO FREAKING WATER WHATSOEVER. Unless of course you count the non stop rain outside and the flash flood warnings for all surrounding counties. Why do I have no water today you ask? Could it have something to do with my husband wanting to fix the world's tiniest leak in the pipe running to the new hot water heater? Something to do with 5 hours of cursing and whining in my garage yesterday? Something to do with my husband deciding at 10:30 last night that he GIVES UP and will just call a plumber tomorrow to fix the leak which is now a BIG leak? Big enough for us to need to keep the water turned off to the house? ALL DAY!

Sorry for the use of caps y'all but I am not a happy camper. I can't take a shower, I can't bathe my filthy child who played in the yard all yesterday afternoon, I can't leave the house because I am waiting on a plumber who will be here sometime before FIVE today. I have a stack of dirty dishes and pots from last night filling my sink and counter tops. Did I mention I was sick as a dog all day Saturday and ended up cancelling my anxiously awaited trip to the outlet mall planned for Sunday because someone didn't get anything done Saturday because he had to watch the baby? So its not fair that he has to watch the baby all day Sunday. Oh and I got so nauseated at 3 am this morning I had to sleep sitting up the rest of the night.

I could scream right now, seriously. Tomorrow I am going to do some retail therapy if the plumber doesn't take all my money.


LL said...

Wow... that sucks, a lot. I'm sorry!

mommamia said...

Sorry that is awful. I hate it when husbands decide to fix something and then don't because they've made the problem bigger.

Stephanie said...

Hang in there! i know all about being pregnant and sleepless nights, hubby problems, plumbing problems and dirty kids! Tomorrow is a new day. And if all else fails, strip the kid and let him play in the front yard while it's raining! That'll at least keep him from stinking more. ;oD

L said...

That's awful. I remember when I didn't have water for two days I thought I was going to rip my hair out. Hopefully it's all fixed soon!

KG said...

Man - this hell hole Insane Asylum that I live in routinely has water problems and EVERY TIME they fix something they have to cut water off to the whole building. What a pain in the arse!

jpandtheboys said...

If could I would totally let you come over and take a shower while I watch Bear and then sit down and have a glass of wine or just go out for a Margarita. I am sorry. I can imagine. The week we brought Brody home right after he was born our plumbing backed up and we couldn't use our bathroom for two days. Then to end the week we had some kid start our garbage can on fire and it caught on to our garage. It was a crazy first week with a brand new baby! Hang in there tomorrow is a new day.

Anonymous said...

I am way far behind on reading/posting/commenting, too!

But I loved your last post of all the posts that weren't. (Especially the one about sparse food!!!)

Sorry your Monday was bad (you know, now that it's Wednesday) and I hope the rest of your week has improved!!!

Hang in there!

Marmarbug said...

Tagged you for a meme

Amanda said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa -- hold the phone. Stephanie said, "I know all about being pregnant and sleepless nights..."

Did I miss something here? I thought you were nauseated because of the stomach bug that's taken up residence in your house. Did I miss an announcement?

OHmommy said...

Oh man... I can't even imagine. My kids are filthy after the day.


Indy said...

Man. That stinks. I feel your pain. Hang in there.