Friday, December 21, 2007


I'm 95% ready to hit the road. I get off work in 31 minutes. The presents, pack and play, and Bear's bag are packed in the car. I need to run and pick up Bear from daycare and take him home so I can finish packing my stuff up. Then I grab the Puppy Chow (Chex Muddy Buddies mix, not Rocky's) and hit the road. I am super excited. I talked to my Mom this morning and she and my grandma can't wait to see Bear........and me, of course. Riiiiigggghhhttt. I'm just here to chauffeur the grandchild. I know my place.

My sister is turning 30 today. Ah, the glory of being the younger sister. I IM'd her this morning to wish her a happy birthday and ask if she feels as old as she is. I'm so loving, I know.

Anyways, I have 26 minutes until I get freed from my work prison. I must busy myself now with emptying my coffee cup, closing my blinds, setting my away message, and jumping with glee.

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