Thursday, December 20, 2007


I am looking forward to the time off but I am not looking forward to the preparations. Luckily the Christmas presents are all bought and wrapped but I still have to make puppy chow (AKA Chex Muddy Buddies) tonight and get everything packed for me and Bear. Bear and I are heading to my Mom's house tomorrow when I get off work at noon along with the gifts for my Mom's side of the family and my husband's family. My husband has to work half a day Saturday so he will be meeting us there.

I am just tired today and not motivated for anything but sleeping. Although I am looking forward to taking Bear to see my Mom and Grandma. The fact that it is 80 degrees and sunny isn't exactly screaming Christmas cheer at me either. The office has been slow all week and I know it will be dead tomorrow morning with it being a half day and all. I just need to get motivated. I have to do all the laundry tonight, packing, sorting Christmas gifts, preparing things for the dog, cooking dinner, and straightening the house. Oh and I need to stop and get gas tonight on my way to pick up Bear from daycare. I don't mind being busy, I usually thrive on it I hope I will snap out of it by this evening so I can get everything done. Wish me luck.

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