As many of you know, Valentine's Day is fast approaching. Today Bear is having his class party at Mother's Day Out. I have known about said party for 3 weeks. Being the super Mom that I am I could not just go out and purchase a $1.99 package of Valentines at Target for my firstborn to take to his friends. No, no I decided to go on Etsy and purchase some simply adorable personalized Valentines for my boys to take. (Although Tater only attends on Tuesdays I still dropped of Valentines for his classmates as well). I may have procrastinated a tad and waited until the middle of last week to purchase them. After much hemming and hawing I decided on Pirate themed Valentines for Tater and Fire truck ones for Bear. The lovely girl I ordered them from notified me on Friday that she sent them first class mail that day. From Maryland. The same Maryland that seems to be under about 40 feet of snow right now.
So yesterday the Valentines still had not come in the mail. So not her fault. I blame my procrastination, and Mother Nature, and the Postal Service. I couldn't send Bear to Mother's Day out with no Valentine's today especially since I had already bought cookies for the class and little Valentine cans of play dough for each kid. Plus dragging both boys to the doctor yesterday morning so I could get Bear some antibiotics for his ear infection so he would not miss the party. Poor kid woke up with a cough and fever yesterday but we got him fixed up. By God my kid was going to have Valentines.
At 5:00 my husband called and said he was on his way home. Thinking it would save me a trip across town to Target I asked him to stop in on his way home and pick up some Valentines for the boys. He was passing right by on his way home and I knew there was plenty to choose from at that Target because I had just been there the day before. I explain twice where exactly the Valentine's section was in the store. All 5 aisle of it. Of course he calls when he gets there and cannot locate the Valentines. I explain yet again that there are aisles and aisles of pink, red and white animals, cards, candy etc directly next to the food section of the store. He says he found the section and doesn't see any Valentine's cards. Seriously. I tell him to keep looking because one aisle is nothing but the boxes of kids Valentine cards. After 5 minutes he indicates he found some Hello Kitty Valentines. Grr..Seriously? He wants to send my all boy 3 year old with Hello kitty Valentines? I tell him to keep looking. Finally he says he sees a box of 30 G.I. Joe Valentines. Great. I tell him that will work just grab one box because I only need 20.
20 minutes later he arrives home with these....

Not sure how much you can tell by the picture but they include a samurai looking guy with a huge sword, some scary looking bad guys, a woman in skin tight black clothing with a large gun, etc. Not exactly what I had in mind when he said G.I. Joe. I was picturing the army men in Toy Story or something. I explained to my husband that while I appreciate the thought there was no way I could send my 3 year old and 10 month old's friends at a church Mother's Day Out program Valentines that include scary looking bad guys, guns, swords, and women in skin tight outfits. Gah.
So I hop in the car and drive back across town to Target where I locate the entire aisle of completely age appropriate Valentine's for the boys to take. After picking up ones that included the characters from Up, Finding Nemo, ones with puppies etc I finally decided on a multi pack that included characters from all of the Pixar films. I bring them home and my husband is like "where did you find those I didn't see anything like that".
This is why you never send a daddy to do a mama's job...
*picture taken from