It went better than I could have expected. I had been trying unsuccessfully for months to get him to go down in his crib but the crying and constant waking was driving me insane. It was just easier to sleep with him. Then at the end of last week he finally discovered that he likes pacifiers. Or more specifically this pacifier. My friend bought it for us back when I was pregnant and despite my offers he never really seemed to get on board with the whole pacifier thing. Then this week it clicked and he would suddenly spend hours happily in his crib so long as he had his trusty WubbaNub.
He only woke for 2 feedings Saturday night and 1 last night. I woke up a few times and checked on him but he was good. Crazy. Last night while he was resting in his crib we also packed up the swing and brought down the exersaucer from the attic. He and his brother have been enjoying the new toy this morning. It was sad seeing the old baby swing go but it is fun to see the boys playing together this morning.
We even got in a trip to the Pumpkin Patch so the boys could pick out a pumpkin. It was pretty picked over but we got some cute pictures. Although I have noticed that the boys are at an age where getting either of them to look at the camera is an exercise in futility.
We also got in a trip to the park this past week.