I really never expected my social life to increase once I wasn't working. I figured that I would become one of those Moms parked in front of Oprah in my sweatpants all day. Instead I have found myself becoming less of a hermit. Working full time sucked all the energy out of me. When I got home in the evening I had to do laundry, clean the house, do dishes, take care of dinner, play with Bear, etc, etc. The weekends were spent trying to run errands and finish up tasks that weren't done on weeknights. I really wasn't up for having people over as much because that weekend time was so precious.
Now I actually get my weekends off because the housework and errands are done during the week. We went to a pool party Saturday afternoon then had friends over for dinner that evening. Sunday I went out to lunch after church with a friend and we caught the Sex and the City movie. Then our husbands went to hit golf balls while we watched movies at the house with Bear and cooked dinner. It was amazing. And I knew I didn't have to rush them out the door so I could get everything ready for work and daycare.
I would go back to work if we financially couldn't make it but I am so grateful for this opportunity to not have to. I was afraid when I left my job that I would regret it. That I would miss being part of the working world and earning my keep. I was afraid that staying home wouldn't be everything I had built it up in my mind to be and that I would be bored to tears. But I have to say I honestly love it.
I have to admit, I'm sort of jealous. I HATE it when I have to leave my son with the nanny because I love spending time with him. We couldn't financially have me staying at home with him all the time.
Though I will say - there are perks to getting out of the house, too! So I guess it's not all bad!
Woohoo for SAHM's!!! It's a great thing you're doing for bear and I can assure you, you're definitely still "earning your keep". Probably more so than you were and you're getting to have fun doing it. Congrats!
I have to admit that I too am a little jealous. Enjoy it!
When my kids were little I loved because the SAHM. I'm thinking about going part-time but I'm just not sure.
I love staying at home too! So glad to hear you are loving it as well!
Maybe one day we can meet up at the College Station Mall for lunch or something! :-)
that is awesome that you love it! I think if I ever have #2 I'll stay home.
i am so glad you love it!! he is worth it and so are you!
Life is so different staying home. So glad that you are enjoying it. I thought the same thing today about being so busy being a SAHM. My phone rings throughout the day. Who knew it would be like this? Thank goodness or we'd all go crazy as hermits in our houses.
Oh yay -- I'm so glad you love it! Staying home truly is such a blessing.
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