Saturday, March 15, 2008

This is just a phase. Right?

I present exhibit A.

This may look like an innocent picture of a side table with a laptop, coffee cup, picture, rings, etc. Look in the background. Do you see that? A trolling baby? Looking for things at eye level that can be snatched off the table? Not pictured my cell phone, a box of wipes, a baby monitor, and a burp rag. They mysteriously disappeared.

Exhibit B.

Let's try a little experiment with my camera case. Yep, just as I thought. The baby strikes again. *

This is what I deal with all day long. At home, at restaurants. At the store. I have become THAT parent. Help? Anyone?

* No camera cases were harmed during the documentation of "Baby on a Rampage". A film by the Association of Mother's at their Wits End.


Mrs. F said...

It may just be the angle at which the picture was taken, but your coffee cup looks ginormous. Heehee. Prolly need that much coffee to keep up with that cute little guy, huh?

Stacey said...

it only gets more fun!!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is a phase! :) And since you asked, here's what we do. Remove all truly dangerous, fragile, expensive, etc items from reach. Have easily available distractions at hand to 'trade' with when baby still finds all of the above items (and he will!). A box of pots, lids, storage containers are great entertainment. Or the box itself. :) When all else fails, use time out; then get down on your knees to be at eye level and explain that the item is Mama's or Daddy's and is not a toy. Hope this helps.

Ashley said...

haha. Oh no!! but at least he is cute :)

Anonymous said...

Your little guy is really cute. His curiousity makes me smile. My nephews went through this phase, but I don't remember when they outgrew it.

KG said...

I was trying to eat lunch at Baja Fresh yesterday and simultaneously feed my son who was seated in the stroller, and I noticed that he was reaching for the container of carrots located on the table . . . we were miliseconds from orangey disaster on his head before I realized what was happening.

I kind of wish the orangey disaster had happened, though. It would have been badass.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting to stay at home! A almost yelled YEAH out loud at 12 am when I read your comment! It is not for the faint at heart but it is full of blessings you won't believe are possible. Go to and hop into a MOPS group if you are not involved in one. You will love every minute even more because you know what it's like to be on the flip side! Somethings SHAM take for granted that they get to do so!
~The Bargain Shopper Lady

Anonymous said...

It is a phase that is not a phase. You are now living in a floodplain. Raise everything in the house 5 feet off the ground. The good thing is, you will get used to it.

CP said...

oh no! babies with the grabbies! lock down the valuables!

Anonymous said...

If this is a phase, it's a really long one. I can't even count how many times I've said "not for babies!" or "where did you get that?" or "what are you eating?" And that's just in the last week or so.