Monday, April 14, 2008

Snail mail doesn't pay

I received a notice in the mail today that my mailman tried to deliver a package but it has insufficent postage. I will need to go and bail the package out of mail jail and post bail of $1.30. This is the first time in my 27 years on earth that I have had to go pay extra postage to bail out a package. I don't really care so much about the $1.30 but I do care that I will have to waste no telling how long standing in line at our notoriously slow post office to get the package. On freaking tax day no less. Only one of the busiest mailing days of the year. Of course I won't actually be available to drive over to our post office tomorrow because I have an appointment scheduled during lunch so I will have to wait until Wednesday. It does not say how long the post office will hold the package. Grrr....the U.S. Postal system sucks. That is my 2 cents for the day or my $1.30 in this case.


KG said...

Man - I have SO much I could say about this. I got this stupid Certified mail notice and I asked the mail carrier if I could just sign it and the guy promised me he'd bring the package. Well, he forgot about it and I got scared they were going to send it back . . . but because I'd given him back the signed Certified mail notice, the post office had no way to match me up with my package. Finally, I got another mail carrier to bring it from the post office . . . but it was a pain in the ARSE!

Why is the post office always filled with confused crones who don't know how to use the credit card slidey payment thingie?

Anonymous said...

THis has happened to me before. And the package was something really stupid. Why don't they charge the person who sent it? Weird.

Haley said...

The people in the post office here are ridiculously slow as well!

Sorry about your package. :(

Candy said...

I don't know, I always carry a soft spot in my heart for the post office. Especially when you consider they're not funded by the US Government and if it weren't for that $1.30, they'd have to buy those cute little blue shorts with the grey stripes down the sides at Walmart.

Stacey said...

MANY things about the postal system drive me nuts!

OHmommy said...

Urrr.... I hope you didn't pick today to go and get the package. The line was OUT the door.

Emily Main said...

ha. I love that you called it mail jail! I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh at your misery, but you made it sound so dang funny!

CP said...

oh man, i hope it's not something that you really need! I had when the post office goes awry- and our post office ALWAYS has a huge line too!

Unknown said...

I had to wait in line for 25 minutes the other day just to mail 2 little packages. Insane...

Petit Elefant said...

WHAT? Was it my package? Are you serious?! Do you have a paypal account? Let me send you the difference. I can't believe this....