IT'S HERE! The return of the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival. After much consideration I decided to give away something I have been longing for since I first came across Amalah's Advice Smackdown.
A $25.00 Sephora Gift card.
Please leave a comment below with your email address or a link to your blog to be entered. I will draw after noon on Saturday, February 2, 2008. No entries after noon on Saturday will be accepted. No duplicate entries, please.
Good luck!
1 – 200 of 484 Newer› Newest»I would love your gift card! Come check out my site for what happened when I just went to Sephora last Friday!
Add my name in, please
yesipray at gmail dot com
I am dreaming of "Amazing Grace" by philosophy. :)
I've (sadly) become addicted to Caudalie's vinoperfect line. Not an inexpensive habit... This Sephora gift card would totally help support my habit!!!
and thank you for offering up this fab giveaway!
oh how i heart sephora... please pick me!
btw, i'm participating too... http://savedbyjen.blogspot.com/2008/01/im-giving-away-one-hour-of-my-time.html
I LLLLLOOOOOVVVEEE Sephora! A mom needs some good pampering every now and then!
I LOVE SEPHORA!!!! What a great give away...especially to use chicks...we love this kind of stuff!!!
Count me in, please!
Melissa in Mel's World
yes!!! amalah is why i even KNOW to love sephora!
My husband would love it if I would win this one! LOL!
Great giveaway, Thanks!
oooh! Another Amalah's advice smackdown lover!!!
Count me in! Gotta love Sephora!!
Count me in please!
fun giveaway... Thanks!
Every mom can use something from Sephora- thanx for the giveaway!
Count me in!
Ooh! Add me to the drawing- I could use some Sephora retail therapy :)
sephora is the beauty mecca and it would be so very awesome if you picked me!!!! thanx!
I asked my husband for some Philosophy stuff for Valentine's, so this may free him up to get me something sparkly instead!
(BTW, I started using their stuff after Amalah raved about it!)
Ohhh! I love, love, love Sephora. I'm like a kid in a candy store when I go there. Please enter me in your drawing. Thank you.
Sephora is like toys r us for girls!
Sephora is scrumptious! Thanks for offering this!
Love it! : )
Awesome! I am sooo there.
Wow~ I love Sephora! Pick ME!
WOW thanks for putting this up!
OOOH, thanks for this great giveaway!!! I hope I win...I desperately need a mommy makeover! :)
i want to make out with your sephora gift card.
i'm kidding, but i would be happy to win it.
you can win stuff at my blog, too.
stop by if you have time!
Yay! Sephora! Soooo excited!
I would love to win this! Thank you!
Ooooooo, Sephora! My favorite!! Awesome giveaway :) You can find my email addy on my sidebar!
se-ph-or-a! OH MY! I love it!
Wow - that's an awesome giveaway. I'd love to win. Thanks for hosting!
Great giveaway! I love Sephora!!!
Wow, i would really love this! My e-mail is grayjones5 at yahoo dot com, thanks for entering me!
Girl, you rock!
No $5 gift card for your peeps!
I just got a necklace for Christmas, and fell in love with Sephora. enter me please
Oh, I could really use some freshening up and Sephora would do the trick! Visit my blog at www.kathryn-thispilgrimsprogress.blogspot.com
or email me at khansen843@aol.com!
Oh please, please enter me!!
This is a great giveaway!
I could really use this!
Sephora is the only place in town I can find the brand of makeup I use - I'd love to win this.
Awesome giveaway. Count me in please.
I love their stuff!
Oh please Oh please enter me!!
By the way, what a cutie pie in the side bar!!
This is my favorite store. Please enter me!
Love Sephora. Thanks for the entry!
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I absolutely love sephora, count me in!
Sephora is my playground...please sign me up!
What a great giveaway -and a great blog too!
One of my favorite stores!! Please enter me!!
Oh your "about me" section has me giggling... sephora is definitely up my ally... mengels[at]hotmail[dot]com
I love Sephora! Please add me. Thanks!
What a fun gift! Please add me too!
Thanks, Beth
Never shopped there. This would be a great start!
fingers crossed
New mommy here, could use some new makeup
I've never shopping at Sephora but always wanted to
Pick me, pick me!
kelli (at) pfrog (dot) net
THanks for the opportunity!
Fun, fun gift! Thanks!
Ooo...I need some maternity lotions but I just bought a house and don't want to spend money...this would be so nice!
mamaluxe at gmail dot com
SEPHORA!! What a wonderfully thoughtful giveaway! Oh, I hope I win!
You have no idea how much we love Sephora. Thank you. Susan
I so love sephora, so many goodies and so little time. Count me in! Thanks.
I'd love to try it! Thank you for entering me! :)
This would be awesome! Thanks!
Please count me in.
SEPHORA!! My favorite favorite store. Hope I'm the one!
Oh boy! I want to order some mineral make-up! What a great prize!
Wow!!! Count me in.
Love Sephora! Count me in!
I always wanted to try them - but my er cheap side wouldn't let me. Count me in!
I have never been to a sephora, although there is one in the mall nearest my home. This would be a fantastic prize! Thank you for having such a great giveaway.
My favorite lipstick is from Sephora!
Love Sephora! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Wow, what a wonderful giveaway! I was just introduced to the fun world of Sephora.
Please feel free to stop by my giveaway.
I love the Philosophy scent "Falling in Love." I would use your gift card to treat myself to some bubble bath and soak away my cares!
Oh, count me in, please! This is fantastic!v
What a fantastic prize. I'd love to be entered. Thank you! :)
Me too! Me too!
TY for the Chance!
Awesome giveaway!
Enter me, please!
I would love to win!
Have never shopped at Sephora but would love to try their products!
Sephora is one of my new favorite places!!
sweet, my favorite so far!
sorry -- duplicate comment -- fast finger, nono
Thanks for this great giveaway!
This is a need as opposed to a want. :-)
Please enter me....and then pick me.
Please put my name in the hat! My email address is in my profile. :)
Great, great give-away.
I really really want to win and buy something that makes me feel pretty all over!!!
Love, love, love Sephora!
Count me in, please.
I actually care! ;) Enter me in to win, you can find my blog by following my name. delandkristin@hotmail.com
ooh I love Sephora! There are so many things I could buy!
I would love to win! I hope you really have a lot of fun with the contests.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot)com
please enter me!
I love Sephora so much it's ridiculous.
Oh - I would love this! They are selling some lush body butter that I've had my eye on....
count me in. thanks. :)
I would love the gift card! Thanks for the giveaway.
What a great giveaway! Thanks so much for posting your prize!
I need some more Bare Mineral foundation!
Me! Me! Me!!
Thank you :)
Oh, you have no idea how much I NeeD this!!
Please enter me!
Ooo, lucky me that it is my first visit here to your blog and you are having a giveaway! I love Sephora!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Ohh- please enter me! Thanks!
Sounds nice!
Woo great prize!!
Oo! Sephora! Nice smelling stuff! Pick me!
Yeah! I could use the help!
Oh, this would be great! :)
Oh Sephora! Awesome! I love my dermadoctor stuff from there! I love everything from there!
I LOVE Sephora!!! please enter me!!
love me some gc!
What a great giveaway! I need some new foundation!
Thank you for the giveaway. I would have so much fun spending this!!
Thanks for the generous contest. Please enter me.
Just tried Sephora for the first time and LOVED it.
Tomorrow is my 29th birthday (really) and I have 3 kids age 5 and under. I could seriously use some mommy pampering LOL. I'd love a chance to win this Sephora gc. :-)
this would be my opportunity to visit sephora without giving my husband a heart attack!
awesome giveaway.
Oh, wow!
I love Sephora! Please enter me!
Sephora=crack in my house! Bring it on....
Oh wow, I can't believe it!
Great Giveaway!
Pick me pick me!
Oh me me oh please me pick me please!!
Love, Love, Love Sephora! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Count me in please! I LOVE Sephora!
Thank you for the lovely giveaway, please pick me!
oooh, enter me please!!! mmm... sephora...
Great prize! Thanks for the contest!
Lord knows I could use a makeover. Pick me!!!
I could use it to buy something to replace what I'm giving away...
I would love to win!
I've never shopped at Sephora, but I've heard so many good things...
Awesome! Thanks!
Please count me in... i have only recently learned about Sephora and it seems great!
I could put this to good use...of that I am sure!
That would be fun. A little pampering never hurts.
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
katie at dekabyte dot com
OH WOW! I LOOOVE Sephora! Thanks!
Ooh!What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to be entered please :)
They just opened a Sephora near my home. Count me in please!
anislandlife at yahoo dot com
An Island Life
please enter me!
This is really something I can use! I love Sephora. I hope I win. =)
Count me in please!!!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I finally caved and went into Sephora a couple months ago, they have just come into my area. I will never wear drug store make up again. At first I was iffy about the costs but the results of "good" make up are well worth it. Please enter me into this one.
oh, this would be so awesome!!!
Please enter me.
count me in please! :)
Please enter me.
Wow - this is a wonderful giveaway!! Thanks for including me!
This is great!
Count me in!
I would love to win. It seems my make-up is my daughter's make-up. I don't have my own anymore. She would have her own if she would put it away, but no, she leaves it out for the toddlers. Then has to use mine, since MY kids ruined hers. And then, she leaves MINE out for the toddlers to destroy.
please enter me
Love this!
I would love to get some new makeup!
Wow, nice giveaway.
Hey girl -- Great giveaway! Count me in. (I like the darker background, by the way.)
Sephora is the best.
Sephora?! Ooo-la-la! Thanks!
Oh, awesome!!! Please enter me!
sounds great!vhv
Cool giveaway! I was just at Sephora last Friday, drooling over all the things I wanted, but didn't have the funds for! :o(
enter me in please, thanks!
I would love this, I need an excuse to shop for me ;)
I would love a gift card from Sephora. That would be so easy to spend. Thank you!
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
Be sure to come enter mine.
That little baby bear in your side bar is adorable! He'd fit right in with our little ones up here!
Thanks for the great give-away
Sephora! Sephora!
Awesome! I always buy my Philosophy stuff at Sephora - thanks!
I could do some damage in Sephora. I always avoid the store whenever I can for just that reason. But a gift card? That's guilt free!
Count me in! Thanks!
Would love some new make up!:)
How fun, I'm in!
Ooh, please count me in! Great giveaway!
ooh i love sephora! i hope i win!
I could use a little pampering!
Thanks for the contest!
mfLove Sephora...thanks for doing this.
I love Sephora!!
Great Giveaway! Count me in :0)
I would love to win, I have not worn make up since I gave birth (three months ago) because all of my stuff is old and gross. I would love to win. adavieau@comcast.net
thanks for the giveaway
great contest! count me in! i love sephoraaaaaaaaa
Wonderful offer! Please enter me!
thanks for the giveaway!
sephora rocks!meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ahdrad2932@msn.com
I would SO love this. What a great prize! I'd love to be entered. And have a great day!
YEA!!!! add me please.
Please count me in!!!I loooove Sephora.
cynthiaarguelles1 at yahoo dot com
good idea!
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