I bought some things on The Children's Place website 1 1/2 weeks ago. They came in tonight and I am really excited. I got 2 pairs of pants, 1 onesie, 1 fleece pullover, 1 shirt, and 2 pairs of shoes with tax and shipping for $35.00. They are all for next winter except the shoes. They still have some of the deals going on if you are interested in
checking it out. Check out the monster deals at the bottom of the page.

Wait, what? Giveaway? A sale? Where? Huh? I've been away from the blogosphere for a few days and feel as if the world has changed. Of course, I never properly knew how to use The Internets to begin with, so I guess I'm not really falling that far behind.
In case this comment makes no sense to you, a) pregnancy and law school are ruining my brain, b) I can't figure out what a carnival is or how to use one, and c) I can't even figure out how to use technorati, no matter how hard I concentrate.
Oh I LOOOOVE The Children's Place monster sales.
Thanks for entering the jewelry giveaway on my blog!
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